Sunday, 13 October 2013

The Little Prince (7) - The 4th, 5th, 6th Planets (HJ Lee)

Chapter 13~15
4th Planet ; a Businessman

    The 4th planet belong to a businessman who believe that the purpose of life is to own lots of materials.  However don't I believe that!

   Do you know happy guy Nick Vujicic who lives without arms and legs?
  He don't have any arms and legs, but he say he ia happy! He knows and says that the visible materials like money, physical health, a nice house and a luxury car is not more important than the invisible things like faith, love, hope, truth, and a sense of accomplishment. Because material will be disappears, but the invisible presence will be eternal. How about your opinions?I don't agree almost all his thought, butI was specially impressed one of his words,

'When you get an idea before anyone else, you take out a patent on it: it is yours.' 

This is the secret to make even my own things! Let's try!! ^^

5th Planet (The Smallest one) ; a Lamplighter

     Have you ever heard a planet have 1440 sunset every day? I love very much sunset! I can't forget when I had seen sunset in summer Canada 5 years ago. How exciting story which he is able to watch the 1440 times sunset everyday!
     On the other hand, I thought the lamplighter resembles me in  various aspects. Sometimes, I use to work harder and harder. Not only I like to work excessively, but also I don't like to work extremely. I feel really pathetic for him, yet I am sympathetic him also.

6th Planet ; a geographer

The geographer belived geographies are the books which are most concerned with matters of consequence. Also he said geographers write of. He know what is eternal things yet?
The prince asked 'ephemearal(; lasting a very short time)' means. The geographer replied that 'ephemearal' is in danger of speedy disappearance. I think ephemearal thing is the visible materials which I said in 4th planet. What kind of thins you think ephemearal ones?
by HJ Lee *

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