Wednesday 4 December 2013

The Wizard of Oz (12) Epilogue (HJ Lee)


T h e    W o n d e r f u l     W i z a r d     o f     O z 


This book and the story gave lots of things.
  Geting confidence of English reading
  Learning a variety of adjective.
<My Life>
 If I want to have something, it may be that I alredy have.
 A defect can be an advantage.
  Love that I have now, the people with me now, where I am now, and now.
While reading this book, I felt a lot of fun.
This is just not only a homework
 I believe that I will remenber beautiful duruing reading this book and posting time.
Thank you everyone.

"You are learning something every day.
Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge,
and the longer you are on earth the more experience you are sure to get."
Bye, now!
Dec. 5th, 2013
By HJ Lee *

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