Sunday 29 September 2013

The dragons of Tiananmen Square

Knowledge of China to the smallest meanders by the author is impressive. In this book, I read lot about  the Forbidden City, the Great Wall and  Chinese Confucianist thinking.

The Dragons of Tiananmen Square

The Dragons of Tiananmen Square

The author's trying to explain in this book the organization set up by the Chinese students to express their dissatisfaction to the public power and at the same time calling for more freedom of expression. In the organization of this movement, a young English student on vacation in China is seen to play an important role.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Little Prince (4) - Meeting (HJ Lee)

In chaper 3~4,  the poilot met the prinse becase of a crash landing . They talked a lot.
On of the topic was where the prinse came from, the answer is asteroid B-612.
  Asteroid B-612 is where the little prince lives.

When I was child, I wonder whether there is asteroid B-612. Then I used to look up sky at night.

 Those two people are the same person. People's valuation were changed according to what he dressed.

The other topic is 'Lookism' and 'materialism'. When I read the chapter, I was thinking about that we should be recognized real value of a person, it is not from appearance or financial power. Nowaday, appearance and money is more imprtant, isn't is? What do you think that what the best imprtant thing is?
 by HJ Lee *

The Little Prince (3) - The first Drawing 2 (HJ Lee)

Do you remember this drawing?
When I saw it, I also think a hat, or covering someting blanket.
However, surprisingly as you see,  this is drawing of boa constrictor!!
I think that the writer(the pilot) wanted to say about stereotypes.
('Stereotypes' means a conventional or formulaic conception or image.)
The innocence of childhood has not stereotypes, but when we are getting older, we have getting stereotypes more. If when we view the world through the eyes of like children, we can see sense over the sense.
I want to be a person who don't have any stereotypes,
so I hope to see that is unvisible but important.
By HJ Lee *

Sunday 15 September 2013

The Little Prince (2) - The First Drawing (HJ Lee) - Week 7

What do you think the drawing is? A hat? Imagine freely more~!!  

(It is drawn by a poilt, he is the writer in this book.)

Now, I don't want to let you know what is the drwaing because of your creativity.

This is a picture drawn by the author who the little prince and the drawing has some meaning.

I want to talk a lot about that and I will continue to say next post. :)

by HJ Lee *

Friday 13 September 2013

The Dragons of Tiananmen Square

The Dragons of Tiananmen Square

Hi everybody,
I chose my book last week the title is ''The Dragons of Tiananmen Square'' . I wanted post some information about it, but unfortunately I haven't Internet at home because I moved in another house September  1th.
The Dragons of Tiananmen Square was  writ by Edward Arnold. The book talk about the movement for democracy in China in 1989 from Beijing to Shanghai, from the Forbidden City to Tiananmen Square.

I will give more information about dragons of Tianenmen Square the next week. I think you will like its.

Thank you

Monday 9 September 2013




I introduce my book. I didn't read this book yet. My friend recommended this book for me.
Actually, I don't like kind of romance book. but I will try. because main picture captured my mind.
I read Novel first time in my life. I always read biographical literature or best seller.
So I expect my interesting my book.


Saturday 7 September 2013

The Little Prince (1) Introduction (HJ Lee)

Hello~! I am HJ(Hyo-jeong).
Let me introduce my book "The Little Prince".

This book is my favorite book. This is why I selected this book.
I have read this book 8 times as Korean of course. ^^  I think you might have already read that book because this book is very well-known.

This is a travel story. The little prince who lives with a his friend rose in star 'B612' travels to seven stars. He met multiple characters adults and animals. I am going to write here about characters in each star. :)

When I met this book first time, I was 8 years old. My cousin gave me this book for my birthday present. She said to me, "It was not long book, but there are many philosophies." While, the real reason that I liked this book at first was the title was beautiful, and the illustration in the book was so
colorful and lyrical. When I flipped to the last page, I fell in love with the beautiful and sad story. This book is like a chameleon. Because my feeling and emotion have been changing each times I read it.

This book will be the first English book I finish. I expected to recieve a new impression while reading. I will meet a new the little prince!

by HJ Lee *

Friday 6 September 2013


Hi Kim and HJ,
I'm glad to work with you on our blog.
I forgot to choose my reading book. I will do it today.
Have nice weekend!!!