Friday 13 September 2013

The Dragons of Tiananmen Square

The Dragons of Tiananmen Square

Hi everybody,
I chose my book last week the title is ''The Dragons of Tiananmen Square'' . I wanted post some information about it, but unfortunately I haven't Internet at home because I moved in another house September  1th.
The Dragons of Tiananmen Square was  writ by Edward Arnold. The book talk about the movement for democracy in China in 1989 from Beijing to Shanghai, from the Forbidden City to Tiananmen Square.

I will give more information about dragons of Tianenmen Square the next week. I think you will like its.

Thank you


  1. I knew,you have many information about China

    and you have been many times in china.

    I'm very interesting your book.

    I expect your report about book.

    Have a good weekend^_^ -Kim-

    1. Thank you KIM,
      I will try to talk a lot about this book.

  2. Have you been to China many times? I didn't know.

    Also "Dragon" has a lot of meaning in Korea.

    The book seems to be very interesting!

    by HJ Lee *

    1. I HJ,
      Yes I have been in China many times. I know the cities like; Guangzhou, Nimgbo, Shanghai, Whenzou, Hong Kong, but I have been only for a business. I wasn't interesting about Chinese history . However, with this book, I'm going to know lot about Chinese tradition and culture.
      Have a good day

  3. We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts and reflections on this book, Charles.

    The Tiananmen Square protests were so powerful. There is a lot of censorship around this topic in China- it is controversial there. Is this a non-fiction book, or is it a story (like historical fiction- a story that is set in a true historical situation)?

