Saturday 7 September 2013

The Little Prince (1) Introduction (HJ Lee)

Hello~! I am HJ(Hyo-jeong).
Let me introduce my book "The Little Prince".

This book is my favorite book. This is why I selected this book.
I have read this book 8 times as Korean of course. ^^  I think you might have already read that book because this book is very well-known.

This is a travel story. The little prince who lives with a his friend rose in star 'B612' travels to seven stars. He met multiple characters adults and animals. I am going to write here about characters in each star. :)

When I met this book first time, I was 8 years old. My cousin gave me this book for my birthday present. She said to me, "It was not long book, but there are many philosophies." While, the real reason that I liked this book at first was the title was beautiful, and the illustration in the book was so
colorful and lyrical. When I flipped to the last page, I fell in love with the beautiful and sad story. This book is like a chameleon. Because my feeling and emotion have been changing each times I read it.

This book will be the first English book I finish. I expected to recieve a new impression while reading. I will meet a new the little prince!

by HJ Lee *


  1. HJ,

    Thanks for sharing! I read this book in French class when I was in high school (Le Petit Prince). I have also read it in Spanish (El Principito). :)! It is such a whimsical story, with great illustrations, for sure. I love how it seems like a simple child's book at first but actually has quite a deep meaning (philosophical- as you say).

    I am excited to hear about your experience reading this in English! I hope you enjoy it in a fresh way :)


  2. I read this book when I was child. but I didn't understand.

    Maybe I think I was too young to understand. And after I didn't

    try read this book.

    So I expect about your book report.^_^

