Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Little Prince (3) - The first Drawing 2 (HJ Lee)

Do you remember this drawing?
When I saw it, I also think a hat, or covering someting blanket.
However, surprisingly as you see,  this is drawing of boa constrictor!!
I think that the writer(the pilot) wanted to say about stereotypes.
('Stereotypes' means a conventional or formulaic conception or image.)
The innocence of childhood has not stereotypes, but when we are getting older, we have getting stereotypes more. If when we view the world through the eyes of like children, we can see sense over the sense.
I want to be a person who don't have any stereotypes,
so I hope to see that is unvisible but important.
By HJ Lee *


  1. Hi HJ,
    When I readied your first blog, I was surprising by your critical thinking for that I asked you if your were a philosopher. Now my opinion is claire about you!!
    Charles B

  2. :) Having an open mind is definitely a good thing. It is always good to put aside our preconceived ideas about people- what a good reminder.

