Friday 25 October 2013

The Little Prince (9) - The Council with the Fox (HJ Lee)


    The fox sais about 'Tame'. He told the prince that tame means to establish ties, and if the prince want it, the fox wanted to be tamed from the prince. He ramed the fox, as a result, he realized important point finally.

"He was only a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes.
But I have made him my  friend, and now he is unique in all the world."

    I think the prince found absolute happiness (Did you remember my last post? ^^), and love is might one of that.   I believe that to be a special person from someone is happy. After he knew it, he may decide to go his planet where his rose is.

   The fox said, "If you come at 4pm then at 3pm I shall begin to be happy."  Have you ever had such
paexperience? Yes, I have. ^^ I think happy from relationship is really big and great. The fox wanted to teach him that even he took on the hardships and the pain of parting.


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