Saturday 26 October 2013

The Wizard of Oz (1) Prolog (HJ Lee)

    The second book I chose is 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz'.

    This book is known well as books, musicals, dramas, movies, and animations. The poster was the most popular movie The Wizard of Oz  made in 1939. Have you ever seen that movie? I haven't yet. The reason I chose, when I go to Chapters (As you know, my favorite hobby is visit book store and buy a book.^^) I saw the book. The book cover was cute red, and I knew the book name because it's famous book. Howewver, I haven't read. I have just seen musical when I was 5 years. I can remember only the heroine name 'Dorothy', caracters of a lion, and a robert(in fact, it's tin woodman). I heard this book has not only fun story, but also a satre. That's why children and many adult read this book. In addition, I love fairy tales because in the fairy tales have a lot of dreams, lessons!! Specially, this book has many adjectives and adverbs, so it is helpful my vocavulrary (So, I would like tag some short words with meaning every postes).

    L. Frank Baum (1856~1919) is a 'The wonderful Wizard of Oz''s author. He had experienced a variety of occupations. While he travels from Washington, he used to be a rearing chickens men, marketing men, salesperson, salesman, China travel staff, actor, newspaper reporter, magazine editor-in-chief.

   With the encouragement of his mother-in-law, he began writing a book in 1898'OZ' name origined from his document on the shelves. Its first section was A~N, and second was O~Z.  He chose OZ that means world of imaginaton. He wrote several fairy tales and poems, and finally "the great Wizard of Oz" was published in 1900.

   The original book contains Denslow's pictures, but I will attach another picture which drew famous Korean mordern illustrator 'Minji Kim', because I like her pictures are colorful and lyrical.

by HJ Lee *


  1. Hi HJ!
    I think that it will be interesting to know a lot about your second book. I'm intriguing because the name of the heroine same like the name of my daughter .
    See you!! Charles

  2. Charles~ Really? Is your daughter's name Dorothy?
    Wow~! It's so exciting and cute!

    by HJ Lee *

  3. Yes, Dorothy is Charles's daughter's new name! Actually, Charles, when I hear the name "Dorothy", I think of this story because it is very famous. HJ, I am looking forward to reading your blog posts on this new book. I have not read the book, but I have seen the 1939 movie many times. It was a favourite of mine when I was a child. I imagine that I would understand the story in a different way now that I am an adult!


  4. This book was a my first book in my life^_^

    it was very nice book. They gonna meet friend~it is very good book^_^

    - Kim
